Thursday, December 30, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We had a good Christmas this year, but I'm excited to put things away and get ready for 2011. Before I finish off Christmas for this year, I'll post a few pictures from our festivities. We hope you all had a Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve: The traditional reading of the Night Before Christmas in our new pjs!

Do these kids look ready for bed? Yeah right! Hurry or Santa will be here before you are asleep!

Cameron is excited...

And so is Jared (if you can find him hiding in all the wrapping!)

And just 4 days late, snow! Almost a White Christmas! Here Ryan is teaching Megan how to make a snow angel.

Duvall ended up with about 4 inches of snow. Perfect for playing in.
This weekend we are packing up and heading to Spokane for Drew's uncle's funeral. Drew's dad, Denny, is serving a mission in Romania for our church, and he is flying home for the funeral. So we are excited to see him this weekend. We all wish Grandma could come too, but we know we'll see her soon! (73 days, she said this morning!) Have a safe and Happy New Year!

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